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우리교회 사역 Our story

우리 아름다운 교회가 지역 사회를 섬기고 동시에 세계선교를 위한 비전을 품고 지난 2005년부터 오렌지카운티 애너하임에 새로운 둥지를 마련하고 사역을 감당해오고 있습니다.  우리 아름다운 공동체에서 일어나고 있는 최근소식들을 이곳에서 접하실 수 있습니다.  

Beautiful Church of the Nazarene has been actively involved with the greater Orange County community since 2005. Our ongoing outreach has created a buzz in the community, and we’re really excited to share all the latest updates with you. Check out some of our recent headlines to catch up on everything that is happening in our community.

Welcome to Beautiful Church


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511 S Loara St., Anaheim, Orange County 92802 USA  |  |  Tel: (714) 772-3100

Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm, ​​Saturday: 8am - 3pm, ​Sunday: 7:30am - 9pm

©2019 by Beautiful CHURCH. Proudly created with

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